They speak about us!
Voicify in the media

  • "Our lives are affected by decisions we do not make."

    [July 2022 - Arabic] In this interview, Voicify's project manager Adam Elsod talks about how the difficulties in obtaining basic rights and freedoms, ongoing racism, a one-sided media discourse, as well as the multitude of laws and political decisions made without the inclusion of young people with lived migration experience led to the establishment of Voicify.

  • Voicify Guiti News Human Rights

    Political participation is a Human Right

    [December 2021] We count more than 22 million “third-country nationals” (citizens of non-EU countries) in the EU today (Eurostat 2020). Whilst they live and contribute in many ways to their societies, they are not politically represented. Their day to day lives are also impacted by policies, and laws made without their involvement or input.

  • Engaging migrants in the decision-making process in Europe

    [June 2021] Migrants are, in fact, looked upon negatively or with a belittling eye within all socioeconomic classes, making them at the low bottom of the social structure in Europe, sometimes attributing crimes to them while they have not even committed them.

  • Because Political Participation is a Human Right

    [May 2021] The gap between the EU countries and their citizens is getting bigger and bigger. Europe failed to include its inhabitants in its decision-making processes. Majorities in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Austria now hold the view the “European project” as such is “broken". Youth with migratory experiences, as many discriminated groups, are even more concerned by this lack of political inclusion.